Mineralization immobilization turnover rate of carbon and nitrogen in compost applied soil

An experiment was conducted to examine the mineralization immobilization turn over rate of carbon and nitrogen in soil applied with poultry based compost. Compost was applied @ 2, 4 and 6% level. The cumulative amount of CO2 and NH3 release were measured. The cumulative CO2 release was high (64 mg of CO2/kg) in soil applied with 6% level of compost followed by 4% level (56 mg of CO2/kg) and 2% level (28 mg of CO2/ kg). In general, NH4-N content declined in all the treatments, whereas the NO3-N content of the soil was increased. The compost applied @ 2, 4 and 6% level of soil showed 16, 24.11 and 31.09% net mineralization of nitrogen.

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