Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic ReportsISSN: 2327-5790

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Involvement of Precancerous Lesions Risk Factors in Epigenetic Peculiarity of Oncogenic Viruses of Alphapapillomavirus Genus Based on the CpG Dinucleotides Island Variability

Background: Cervical lesions are changes in cervical cells that make them more likely to develop into cancer. Many risk factors are involved in the occurrence of cancer; they may then alter the methylation profile of known oncogenic HPVs which is a ubiquitous epigenetic regulatory signature for any entity with DNA that occurs in CpG Islands. In order at appraising the CpG Islands profile for distribution on papillomaviruses genome.

Methods: An analysis of dinucleotides frequencies was carried out from DNAs of diverses Alphapapillomavirus genus. We focused our attention on 63 genomes of Alphapapillomavirus genus, looking for internal CpG Island profile. Bioinformatics software online dbcat and graph pad prism 8.0.1 for statistical analysis were used.

Results: The distribution of CpG Islands across HPV genes was not random; oncogenes had CpG Island in 100% of cases.

Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that each HPV genotype can have the potential to transform into a high risk genotype by losing one or more of its CpG Islands, and that this process may be accelerated by the presence of host related risk factors. Analysis of CpG Islands suggests that risk factors for the development of precancerous lesions could be involved in the HPV epigenetic profile change.

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