Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Investigation of Suitable Alloys for X-Ray/Gamma Radiation Shielding

The current investigation focus on the X-ray and gamma radiation shielding parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient (μ/ρ), mean free path (λ), Tenth Value Layer (TVL), effective atomic number (Zeff), specific gamma ray constant (Γ), Radiation Protection Efficiency (RPE), Kinetic Energy Released in Matter (KERMA), buildup factor, specific absorption fraction (φ) and relative dose. The different alloys such as iron-boron, iron-silicon, gallium, lead, aluminium, silicon-boron, zinc and silicon-germanium are investigated. The good absorber of X-ray and gamma radiation among each category is selected. Among the studied iron-boron alloys, Fe0.95B0.05 was found to be good absorber of X-ray and gamma radiation. Similarly, Ferro-Silicon (Fe0.21Si0.79), Galinstan (Ga0.685In0.215Sn0.1), molybdochalkos (Cu0.1Pb0.9), Ni-Ti-Al (Ti0.4Al0.1Ni0.50), Silicon-Boron alloy (Si0.95B0.05), Zinc alloy (Cu0.7Ni0.15Zn0.15) and Silicon- Germanium alloy (Si0.1Ge0.9) are found to be good absorber among the iron-silicon, gallium, lead, aluminium, silicon-boron, zinc and silicon-germanium respectively. Furthermore, to select the suitable alloy for X-ray and gamma radiation shielding, we have studied shielding properties of these selected alloys of different categories in detail. The detail investigation shows Molybdochalkos (Cu0.1Pb0.9) is a good absorber with larger value of μ/ρ, Zeff, Γ, RPE, KERMA, buildup factor, specific absorption fraction and relative dose, meanwhile smaller value of λ and TVL. As a result, molybdochalkos alloy is an effective X-ray/gamma radiation shielding material among all the studied alloys. The energies at which radiation protection efficiency is maximum (Eopt) and minimum (Es ) for a studied alloys is also identified. To use this practically, further mechanical, thermal and structural properties has to be investigated.

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