Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Increasing the Energy in the Building Envelope Using Phase Change Materials

The overall objective of the project is to improve the living conditions of the local population. The specific objective is to set up a pilot unit using local building materials, with low environmental impact, provided with organic phase change materials. The research work will lead to innovation, through the combination of local materials and biomaterials based PCM, and will allow building materials companies to develop by improving their products a complete numerical model of the zone will be developed using the TRNSYS 204 simulation tool. Our research strategy aims to examine the PCM use as thermal energy storage materials for the building sector .and also verify the performance of PCM as a new way to stabilize the air temperature and control the comfort inside the buildings envelope. The study includes a modelling and numerical simulation to verify with experimental components. The simulation was carried out for the climate zone of Morocco. The results of the simulation showed that the use of PCM  in building envelope, decreasing the relative humidity and  ambient temperature , saving total energy  demand and consumption for heating and cooling than  building envelope  without PCM all months of the year. The article can be helpful for the building energy efficiency, thermal performance and the goal of (building plus +) zero and net zero energy.

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