Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An OverviewISSN: 2327-4581

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Increasing Earth’s Land Surface Area by Reducing the Sea Levels

Application of Nuclear Heat Injection System for Heating Atmosphere (ANHISHA) is an acronym. The controlled atmospheric low pressure area, created by this process, can be used to modify long term and short term weather patterns. Simulations of Global Circulation Models (GCM), on weather supercomputers, can determine in advance, the result on atmosphere, e.g., precipitation. The permanent hurricane like vortex on north and south pole can be modified by ANHISHA, with the aim, of a higher ice precipitation, on the geographic poles. A significant increase in polar ice, would reduce the sea levels and increase land surface area. This in turn, would sustain the burgeoning human population and restore habitat of various natural land species. In a sense this is reversal of global warming and onset of an artificial, controlled ice age. As we would not like to have ice age in extreme northern latitudes, so we will restrict ANHISHA only to south pole. The extra ice would be confined to Antarctica.

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