Impact of Peer Pressure in Fashion on Adolescents
This paper discusses the impact of peer pressure in fashion, on adolescents. It is human tendency to feel the need to belong. Everyone wants to be accepted by others in some way, especially adolescents. As a result of this want to belong, they make themselves think that they need to change their attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs in order to gain acceptance from others. Peer pressure is a problem that can be solved if the right measures are taken. Adolescents are not mentally prepared to be able to resist and deny peer pressure from others. Adolescents all over the world face peer pressure in fashion or are bullied by their peer groups. Also, they are being bullied by their peer and show depressive symptoms and tend to develop psychotic thoughts and suicidal tendencies.
Therefore, one of the major upcoming problems among adolescents in today’s time includes peer pressure in fashion. This pressure has been affecting adolescence both physically and mentally, even to an extent of suicide among adolescents. Thus, there is an urgent need to understand the pros and cons of peer pressure and find the factors driving it. Also there is a need to educate adolescents regarding the methods to reduce peer pressure in an appropriate time and manner.