Generation of Electricity Using Footstep Power
The primary issue of the energy crisis is the demand and supply gap. The major subject of this article is the generation of electric power from people's footsteps and the pressure applied when walking, which is frittered away. The “Foot step power production system” is a system that converts mechanical power into electrical power utilizing transducers and the pressure applied by the footstep. The power producing floor generates power, which is essentially the conversion of kinetic energy into electrical energy. Today's electricity demand is rising, and existing power generation sources are unable to meet this worldwide challenge. Although it will not be adequate to meet the world's overwhelming need for electrical energy, it will be able to modify and reduce dependency on outdated methods of generating electricity. It may be put on roadside footpaths, parks and jogging tracks, as well as many other public places, such as airports, and will have a significant influence on the electrical power generating system. When piezoelectric technology is utilized in flooring, piezoelectric transducers measure the pressure, which is then collected by a floor sensor. As a result, the pressure or mechanical stress is transformed into electrical energy, which is then stored as well as utilized as a power source. Agriculture, residential uses, city lighting, as well as an energy source for sensors in remote places are just a few of the possibilities for this power source.