Extrusion Conditions Effects Functional and Pasting Properties of Finger Millet
Extrusion Conditions Effects Functional and Pasting Properties of Finger Millet
Extrusion is an effective tool for modifying functionality of coarse cereals for various food applications. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to evaluate the effect of different extrusion variables on functional and pasting properties of finger millet. The experiment was conducted using a five level Central Composite Design (CCD).The expansion ratio (EX) of extrudates was found to significantly increase with decreasing feed moisture and increasing barrel temperature. Increasing feed moisture significantly (p<0.05) increased water absorption index (WAI) and decreased water solubility index (WSI). However, screw speed exerted no significant (p>0.05) effects on responses. WAI and WSI of extruded flour increased specifically by 2.0 to 14.0 fold over raw flour. WAI had a significant negative linear association (r=-0.96, p<0.01) with WSI and a positive linear correlation with peak and final viscosity. Results suggest that tailoring extrusion conditions offer opportunity for obtaining finger millet extrudates and pregelatinized flour with varied functionality...