Evaluation of Drought Tolerant Indices For Quantification of Drought Tolerance in Wheat
Evaluation of Drought Tolerant Indices For Quantification of Drought Tolerance in Wheat.
The traits which can be used as a quick criteria for drought tolerance in field as well as in the laboratory were used to evaluate 5 selected germplasm lines from eastern gangetic plain nursery (EGPSN) taking C-306 (a drought tolerant variety) and HUW 206 (a drought susceptible variety) as control. The field experiments were conducted in irrigated and non irrigated conditions in the years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10. Mean yield in three years was used to calculate various growth parameters. Coleoptile length was measured and the data was recorded for three consecutive days after sowing. Among the drought stress indices MP, GMP, YSI were more effective in identifying high yielding cultivars in both drought stressed and irrigated conditions and TOL value was used to measure tolerance level concluding that effectiveness of selection indices in differentiating resistant cultivars varies with stress severity.....