Journal of Athletic EnhancementISSN: 2324-9080

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Evaluating Concussion in Sport: A Case for Magnetoencephalography

Evaluating Concussion in Sport: A Case for Magnetoencephalography

A professional indoor soccer player who suffered his fifth concussion The subject underwent neuropsychological testing to assess a variety of brain functions. Brain MRI and MEG were subsequently performed at the University of California, San Diego Radiology Imaging Lab-MEG Center. Standard MRI was obtained. MEG data was obtained using a 306-channel Elektaneuromag whole-head MEG-system to detect low-frequency delta waves (1-4 Hz) generated by injured axons. He visually fixated on a cross projected on a screen for three 5-minute sessions while spontaneous activity was recorded, then for three 5-minute sessions with eyes closed. Data analysis was performed using VESTAL source imaging and was co-registered with MRI coordinate systems to generate image display.

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