Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Enhancing Security in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation are the key factors of security. They must be incorporated in order to protect data and information. All the data must be protected
from intruders and hackers. If there is no proper security then the data can be stolen or eavesdropped easily by the intruders. To avoid this eavesdropping security factors should be enhanced to an additional level. Single factor authentication is not very safe since only password acts as the protection, it can be intruded. Two factor authentication is the password and one time password which changes frequently, which is better than single factor but is also less secure. Hence three factor authentication is done with the fingerprint matching technique. It employs as an additional layer of security. The minutiae extraction is used and the better match is found. Thereby, the security can be enhanced in wireless sensor networks.

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