Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Disorders
Emotional Intelligence as the ability to perceive and regulate emotions in people is also associated with the emotional centres and the brain and helps in managing human behavior. Its components of self-awareness, social-awareness, emotional perception and emotional regulation are factors that interfere with the social brain in the mitigation of psychological disorders. Emotional intelligence as a dispositional variable also interacts with the circuitry emanating from the amygdala, including the brain stem which regulates reflexive and automatic human functions. This inoculating effect is important in regulating psychological disorders like anger, anxiety and depression that can lead to both heart and mental illnesses. The investigation literature review research design was adopted for the study and the result showed positive relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological disorders. The study was not exhaustive due to acute lack of current relevant literature and research funding. Therefore, further research should examine the relationship between multidimensional poverty and stress in Nigeria. The study recommends for the upgrading of clinical facilities to cater for people with depression which kills about 800,000 annually in Nigeria.