Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology

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Efficacy of the Anti-Tubulin Drug Paclitaxel as a Single Treatment and its Combination with the Commercially used Drug Metronidazole for the Treatment of Giardiasis in Experimentally Infected Mice

Giardia infection is still a medical problem worldwide, it is the leading cause of intestinal diarrhea and its consequences. Despite its side effects, the reliance on metronidazole as a basic treatment persists, especially when metronidazole is used for longer periods due to recurring infections. Therefore, research is ongoing to identify participants in the treatment of Giardia and at the same time working to limit its side effects. Cancer patients were shown to be 1.24 fold more susceptible and were at a higher risk of infection, which should alert physicians to the possible consequences. This study represents a step toward decreasing the burden on cancer patients who are more exposed to Giardia infection. The importance of the participation of paclitaxel in therapeutic protocols is to develop an anti-Giardial compound that targets the cell division machinery of the parasite and reduces the genotoxicity effects of metronidazole. The dual treatment (metronidazole with paclitaxel combination) yielded a significant reduction in the percentage of IgA and IgG antibodies, indicating an increase in the evanescence of the antigens that stimulate the production of antibodies. It is true that the dual treatment removed fewer eggs in the stool and the trophozoite than metronidazole alone did, but it also led to better elimination of the pathogens, which stimulates the production of antibodies; this is the most important thing that is safer to use, especially if it is necessary to prolong the treatment period This is confirmed by histopathological examination of liver and small intestine tissue samples collected from all the mice within the different groups.

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