Analgesia & Resuscitation : Current ResearchISSN: 2324-903X

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Effects of Preoperative Flurbiprofen on Postoperative Pain: Comparison between Sevoflurane and Propofol-Fentanyl Anesthesia, and between different Surgical Procedures

 Effects of Preoperative Flurbiprofen on Postoperative Pain: Comparison between Sevoflurane and Propofol- Fentanyl Anesthesia, and between different Surgical Procedures

There are many studies to show postoperative analgesic effects of preoperative intravenous flurbiprofen. However, no studies compared its effects on different anesthetics and also in different surgical procedures. The purpose of this study was to compare postoperative analgesic effects of preoperative intravenous flurbiprofen between sevoflurane and propofol-fentanyl anesthesia and between different surgical procedures.

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