Effective Use and Interpretation of Litho Geochemical Information in Regional Mineral Exploration Programs: Application of Geographic Data Systems (GIS) Technology
A Geographic data system (GIS), mutually with applied mathematics and geostatistical software package, has been accustomed compile, manipulate, analyses and visualize an outsized litho geochemical dataset collected from the Archean age Swayze greenstone belt (SGB) placed in northern Ontario, Canada. Altered samples from this information are known employing a form of univariate and variable applied mathematics and visual image techniques. Alteration maps area unit created for every methodology, and compared to famous gold mineralization exploitation the weights of proof technique. Major chemical compound information area unit interpolated exploitation totally different sample teams (all, altered, unaltered, normalized samples), and abnormal concentrations area unit separated from background exploitation breakpoints on likelihood plots of the information, in addition as statistics generated from WofE analysis. These maps are evaluated, exploitation WofE analysis, with relation to locations of famous gold prospects. The atypical normative mineral methodology is additional sensitive for distinguishing alteration in felsic rocks (felsic volcanic rocks, granitoids), whereas the volatile methodology is additional sensitive for detective work alteration in mafic volcanic rocks and matter rocks. Altered samples area unit characterized by higher SiO2, K2O and MnO concentrations, and lower MgO and TiO2 concentrations. Areas at intervals the greenstone belt characterized by high concentrations of CaO, Fe, K2O and Al2O3 were found to the simplest predictors of the famous gold prospects. Anomalously high concentrations of those oxides replicate carbonatization, Fe-carbonate alteration and potassic alteration trends, and indicate that these alteration designs area unit spatially associated with gold mineralization. The WofE methodology may be a helpful technique with that to judge the geochemical maps created during this paper.