Journal of Plant Physiology & PathologyISSN: 2329-955X

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Effect of MS Medium Strength and Growth Hormones on Shoot Proliferation of Yeheb (Cordeauxiaedulis, Hemsl.): A review

Cordeauxia edulis Hemsley, locally called yeheb, is a small evergreen multi-stemmed tree or shrub of the legume subfamily Caesalpinioideae, endemic to Eastern Ethiopia and central Somalia. It is drought hardy and one of the major sources of food for both animals and humans. Even though it is a multipurpose plant and being encouraged by most people in the region, it becomes endangered due to low seed viability and over exploitation. Due to low seed viability, propagation via seed has limitations. Vegetative propagation via in vitro propagation of C. edulis has found advantages to address low seed viability and over exploitation problems. Shoot proliferation of once plant affect by various factors including type and strength of culture medium, growth hormones and the physical conditions. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to highlight the effect of MS medium strength and growth hormones on shoot proliferation of C. edulis. The study of various scholars over C. edulis confirmed that BAP showed the highest shoot proliferation at its 2 mg/l on full strength MS medium at 5.8 PH from shoot tip. On the other hand, BAP (2 mg/l) in combination with GA3 (6 mg/l) produced higher amount of shoot from cotyledonary node. The increasing and decreasing of BAP concentration alone or in combination with auxins reduce shoot multiplication. Half and one third MS medium strength produced stunted and fragile shoots. Each plant species and explant type is specific and performs variably for growth hormones. Therefore, it is preferable to use the growth regulators in accordance to the types of explant.

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