Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Development and validation of a mobile health communication framework for postnatal care in rural Kenya

health systems. A need exists for a theory-based framework that may be useful to strengthen postnatal care. This paper describes the development and validation of an mHealth communication framework for postnatal care in rural Kenya. The framework was developed through a multi-methods research design, underpinned by the theory of change logic model. Prior to the development of the framework, two separate studies, were carried out, in addition to a literature review. Thereafter the framework was developed, and forms a third study, which was done in two stages. In the first stage, the authors used the theory of change logic model to integrate the results of the first two studies and the literature review, to develop a draft framework. In the second stage, stakeholders’ input was integrated into the draft framework, thereby validating the final mHealth communication framework. An mHealth communication framework was developed which articulated the elements needed for planning and designing an mHealth communication initiative in rural areas, to strengthen postnatal care. In conclusion, a theorybased mHealth communication framework was developed using the theory of change logic model. The framework incorporated the best available evidence, the community’s needs, and stakeholders’ input; therefore, the authors recommend implementing the framework to support the desired outcomes and contribute to lowering maternal and neonatal mortalities, especially in rural areas.

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