Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Calculation of Restoring and Repulsive Magnetic Forces between Two Non-Coaxial Coils of Rectangular Cross-Section with Parallel Axes

In this study, we introduce new formulas for calculating the restoring and repulsive magnetic forces between two non-coaxial circular loops with parallel axes. These formulas are derived from a modified version of Grover’s formula for mutual inductance between the coils in question. Utilizing these formulas, we compute the restoring and repulsive magnetic forces between two non- coaxial thick coils of rectangular cross-sections with parallel axes. In these calculations, we apply the filament method and conduct investigations to determine the optimal number of subdivisions for the coils in terms of computational time and accuracy. The approach given in this paper is also applicable to all conventional non-coaxial coils, such as disks, solenoids, and non-conventional coils like Bitter coils, all with parallel axes. This paper emphasizes the accuracy and computational efficiency of the calculations. Furthermore, the new method is validated according to several previously established methods

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