Burn up Effects on Kinetic Parameter’s Variations in an Electron Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor
One of the key components in nuclear reactors is calculation of the neutronic parameters and the burnup effect on the variation of these parameters. In this study, neutronic parameters such as neutron flux and power distributions, effective multiplication factor (Keff), neutron mean generation time (Λ), effective delayed neutron fraction (βeff) and fuel burn up are calculated in an Accelerator Driven Subcritical ALMR reactor to transmutation of TRUs by MCNPX code for the parabolic spatial distribution of electron beam. The results this study shows that with increasing in the fuel burn up the values of Keff and TRU decrease while the fission products rate increase. In addition, it observes that in comparison with the beginning-of-cycle (BOC) values, at end-of-cycle (EOC), the Λ parameter increases but the βeff parameter more or less constant as a function of burn up in the multiplication factor of 0.93. Also, according to the results, the average relative difference between the results of calculations with reference data is within 3%.