Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Brazilian Recommendations for Handling of the Current Coverings in the Treatment of the Burned Patient

Aim: The purpose of the study was to elaborate nursing actions based on recommendations about the proper management of coverage for the treatment of burn patients.

Methods: This is a review study. The data collection performed in a virtual environment in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), PubMed and specialized magazines such as BURNS and Brazilian Society of Burns. We used the books and periodicals of the health area, which functioned as a conceptual basis with the following descriptors Mesh / DeSC: Burns; Coverings; Prevention; Nursing. Publications with a trajectory of the last 10 years were used as inclusion criterion. With languages in Spanish, English and Portuguese and articles available in full.

Results: The care of burn injuries requires the maintenance of tissue perfusion, infection prevention and protection from trauma, promoting proper healing. To achieve these effects is important to use the best coverage, operating in debridement, cleaning and prevention of wound infections. It was identified in this study that the appropriate choice of coverage for treatment of burn patients shall be based on knowledge of the coverage action, the patient's comfort, relationship benefit cost, adaptability, change time, clinical evolution and healing process, prevention infection and pain control. Thus, ensuring the quality and safety of nursing care in the treatment of wounds of burned patients. 

Conclusion: The recommendations for the coverages to be used, is based on the degree of burn. It is observed that the first care is paramount and directly governs the recovery and diagnosis of the victim based on ethical and professional care and with training of the team in order to offer a minimum of trauma to the patient, be it physical, mental and social.

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