Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile EngineeringISSN: 2329-9568

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Amalgamation of Art and Fashion

Fashion and Art are two methods that revolve around the same orb, which is creativity. These two worlds share a bridge that channel them together. Art can be visual, music, poetry, novel, play, dance, building, clothing, digital or virtual. When fashion is placed within the space of the museum and the art gallery, the product value evolves from consumer goods to art installation. In one quick slide fashion becomes a rare commodity to be collected and treasured for a life time. Taking fashion further is by introducing and highlighting the presence of art techniques into current trend. In this research, inspiration has been taken from two painting techniques and applied it on different fashion products using digital printing. This also makes the products sustainable as digital printing is very eco-friendly way of printing fabrics. “It’s an attempt to take art off the walls and bring it into our lives” says artist OonaD’Mello. Art has meaning for what it makes the viewer feel. “Making it wearable expands the conversation around it, where it exists and who consumes it” says OonaD’Mello in Hindustan Times weekend article.

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