Journal of Womens Health, Issues and CareISSN: 2325-9795

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A Rare Case of Extra-Uterine Pelvic Leiomyoma

Extra-uterine leiomyomas are rare, benign, and may arise in any anatomic sites. Extra-uterine leiomyomas are diagnostic challenge due to their rare unusual locations. We present a case of pelvic leiomyoma mimicking ovarian mass in a 34-year-old woman who was suffering for right pelvic pain. Clinical and imaging findings revealed an ovarian leimyoma. A laparotomy using Pfannenstiel incision was performed. Pelvic organs and both ovaries appeared normal. There was a firm mass about 5 cm in size distinct from the left ovary and attached to uterus with some fine adhesions that were cut allowing removal of the mass. Pathologic examination concluded to a benign leiomyoma. The recovery was uneventful and pelvic pain disappeared. Leiomyomas occur infrequently outside the uterus. Although they are histologically benign, extra-uterine leiomyomas may mimic malignant tumours at imaging and may present a diagnostic challenge. Surgical excision is the most common treatment.

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