Journal of Otology & RhinologyISSN: 2324-8785

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A Case of Papillomatous Compound Nevus of the Ear Canal

Objectives: Compound nevus is a nevocytic nevus comprised of fully formed nests of nevus cells in epidermis and dermis and has malignant potential. The occurrence of this entity in the external auditory canal (EAC) is rare. The authors report a case of papillomatous nevus that almost completely obstructed an EAC and caused conductive hearing loss.

A case report.

Results: A 54-year-old female patient visited our hospital due to a progressive reduction of right-side hearing ability over the previous two years. During physical examination, a skin-colored papillomatous mass was observed to fully fill the right external auditory canal. Tissue examination revealed it a compound nevus. The mass and surrounding dermal tissue were surgically excised. At one month after surgery, the external auditory canal had healed completely and auditory testing results were normal.

Conclusion: The ear canal was closed by papillomatous compound nevus in the external auditory canal, and such obstruction or narrowing causes conductive hearing loss. Transmeatal approach and secondary wound closure is used treated by wide excision.

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