About Violence against women

Violence against women - particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women - are major public health problems and violations of womens human rights. Recent global prevalence figures indicate that 35% of women worldwide have experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.

From domestic abuse to rape as a weapon of war, violence against women is a gross violation of their human rights. It not only threatens womens health and their social and economic well-being, violence but also prevents global efforts to reduce poverty.

Violence against women is a worldwide yet still hidden problem. Freedom from the threat of harassment, battering, and sexual assault is a concept that most of us have a hard time imagining because violence is such a deep part of our cultures and our lives.

Following are the types of violence’s against women:

  • Domestic Violence
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Mental & Physical Health
  • Prostitution
  • Resources, Coping, & Survival
  • Risk factors & prevention
  • Sexual Assault
  • Women as aggressors

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