Cardiology Research Journals

Cardiology deals with disorders of the heart. Cardiology includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure etc. Doctors or Physicians specialized in this field of medicine are called cardiologists & the Physicians specialized in cardiac surgery are called cardiac surgeons. A hybrid journal offers authors the choice of publishing via the traditional method of access to articles via a subscription OR making individual articles freely available online (often termed open access). Hybrid journals usually charge authors, their institutions or funders an additional fee for making an article open access. The open access article will appear in the subscription-based print and electronic versions as normal. Open access articles in hybrid journals are marked as open access or have a symbol that signifies they are open access. International Journal of Cardiovascular Research is among the best research journals in cardiology where the researchers are provided with the information related to recent scientific discoveries, trends in this field. Our editors & reviewers ensure the quality of the published research articles. The journal strives to bring out the best research in world of cardiology. "